Performance Measurement

Our approach to performance measurement and advanced analytics considers the complete media mix of the communications effort as well as client-side data such as website analytics and other owned channel data to go well beyond vanity metrics such as story count and impressions to order to tell the true story of impact on your brand.

Since different communications efforts leverage different media mixes with specific goals, performance measurement approaches are bespoken to the effort, but every effort starts with establishing key performance indicators (KPI) and then determining the appropriate date streams needed to measure changes against those KPIs to ensure data quality. Performance measurement begins as part of strategy; it informs actions during efforts; and illustrates impact afterward, However, it doesn’t stop there because the final performance report is the first market insights report for your next effort.

Digital Media Impact Measurement

We change the rules of the guessing game. Digital media Impact measurement closes the correlation gap between consumers’ exposure to digital ads and brand/message awareness, attitudes and actions. It leverages the digital ads’ targeting to solicit direct target audience feedback to determine the lift in awareness, favorability and other key factors of focus for your brand.

Our team of market insights consultants coordinate all aspects of the digital media impact measurement effort after establishing goals and formulating the best methodology in partnership with your brand.

Social Media Landscape Analysis

We understand the “they” in “they say…” Social media landscape analyses focus primarily on consumer conversations to uncover what they’re doing, thinking, saying and sharing. These analyses result in data-driven perspectives for use in initial communications strategy development and communications planning, but they can also help inform product and services offerings. Media outlets and journalists also leverage social media to share news and consumers’ interactions with those posts is more telling of sentiment and perspective than examining traditional news media alone.

Channels available for analysis include Twitter, Reddit, TikTok, blogs, and forums as well as public-facing Facebook and Instagram pages. These analyses provide an understanding of conversations about a single topic or a mix of related topics specific to the time period of focus and are not ongoing nor real-time listening/monitoring activities. If changes in sentiment, attitudes, favorability and/or factors specific to your brand’s needs are sought, follow-up social media landscape analyses can compare against the initial report to determine changes over time.

For real-time, ongoing social media insights, Social Media Listening should be leveraged.

Social Media Listening

Listen. Learn. Engage. Grow. Social listening serves a core communications campaigns management function by identifying and understanding conversations about a brand and issues related to it in social and other shared media. Conducted on an ongoing basis, this deeper level of analysis leveraging a broader array of channels provides actionable insights that help to determine where, when and how to insert the brand’s messaging or perspective appropriately, whether through direct engagement via social posts or through targeted social/digital ads. The ultimate goal: maximize your communications efforts’ impact on audiences.

While social listening focuses heavily on informing and managing engagement strategies, it also provides a monitoring function by pinpointing and evaluating possible risks/crises early in order to inform appropriate actions to mitigate possible brand impact. Social listening can also inform changes in audience sentiment, awareness and opinions in near real-time and thereby further enriches directional consumer insights for other strategies and performance measurement.

News Media Landscape Analysis

Break through the clutter with insights. When considering public relations/media relations as part of the communications mix, it’s important to understand what opportunities and challenges may exist in the news media landscape. A news media landscape analysis helps your brand understand which topics garner the most coverage, who’s driving the coverage and what’s included within it so that your brand can flex strategies, or even simply timing, so that your message is heard, seen and/or read in the ever-changing, crowded news landscape. These local, regional and/or national news media landscape analyses can also uncover white space opportunities for your brand, serving a core function in shaping thought leadership strategies as well.

Data and analytics can focus on a single brand or topic, or a mix of related topics, but for an analysis of two or more brands within the news media landscape, a Competitor Share of Voice Analysis is the right solution.

Competitor Share of Voice Analysis

Let your voice be heard—after understanding who else is shouting. A competitor share of voice (SOV) analyses help brands understand how much of a share of news and news-related social media their brand has compared to key competitors so that strategies can level-up or pivot to capture greater SOV. Topics volume, sentiment and other key factors are examined to deliver the insights you need to shape, or re-shape, your communications priorities and driving strategies to be seen more, be heard more and be elevated more. These analyses also help to reveal white space opportunities for your brand, which allows your brand to take the lead on topics where your competitors are absent and even establish your brand as the thought leader on those topics.

A competitor share of voice analytics solution is great for comparisons related to products and service offerings, but it is also a perfect fit for informing brand reputation management efforts, ESG positioning and more.

Business Intelligence

Know more or it’s no more opportunities. Everywhere you look there are new challenges and issues that your brand and business must continually overcome to remain competitive in today’s lightning-fast world. Social issues, global events, consumer trends, innovative technologies, changing legislation, climate factors and much more come in all shapes and forms. The trouble is, you have a business to run and there’s not always enough time in the day to keep up with the pace of the news. That’s okay because our market research team is here to help you with that and more.

Leveraging a stack of resources, including industry-leading media monitoring and social listening tools, we partner with you to build a bespoke solution for you.  You’ll get perspectives on top news, consumer trends and evolving issues that could impact your business along with context to help you can put knowledge to action more quickly, allowing your business and brand to continue to grow and thrive.

Crisis Monitoring

Dealing with a crisis isn’t the goal. It’s about preventing a crisis in the first place. That’s where crisis monitoring comes in because it’s ongoing and helps to spot issues that have the potential to become a crisis and determine the best course of action to avoid a crisis, or at least mitigate the impact. We can monitor both social media and news media to spot potential issues, understand the context and provide recommendations on what course of action to take. Our insights analysts then work directly with your communications team to provide holistic guidance. Social channels such as Twitter, Reddit, TikTok, blogs, and public and/or fan pages within Facebook and Instagram as well as online news and broadcast news can be monitored.

Crisis monitoring differs from social media listening in that it includes traditional news channels, and it is not used for ongoing consumer-focused social media marketing efforts, such as promotions, ad campaigns and so forth. Crisis monitoring is a perfect complement to any organization’s crisis management plan.

Consumer Segmentation

If everyone is your target audience, is anyone really your target? In today’s consumer-centric landscape, brands must be strategic to convert consumers into loyal, repeat customers by delivering meaningful, effective customer experiences. The passions, beliefs and interests of consumers help to define which of them is right, and ready, for your brand. That’s where we come in.

We go well beyond the basics of demographics and socioeconomic factors to help you identify who and pinpoint where the best consumer audiences are for your brand, whether at a national level or right down to zip code level. We can also evaluate your current consumer target audience to understand them more, or if they’re even the best target anymore for optimal business outcomes. The insights we provide help you to understand nuances in different segments of consumers and how to reach them with relevant messages that resonate. Consumers become customers and your brand wins.

Bespoke Insights & Analytics Solutions

“One size fits all” doesn’t mean it fits well. Our team of data driven gurus can craft an insights solution tailored to your needs specifically. Whether it’s to support an external consumer-focused effort or an internal-facing need, you’ll get the best fit for your brand.

Branded Reports

Your brand deserves the attention. Branded reports turn data-driven insights from qualitative or quantitative research efforts, or even combined research approaches, into clear narratives that connect with your audiences. This helps to further strengthen your brand as a thought leader among consumers, membership, industry peers, and other key audiences on the topic of the report.

Our team collaborates with you to capture your brand voice and brand essence in branded reports that you can use for media outreach, industry events, garnering leadership interviews, social media engagement, and much more. Fully designed to a company’s brand guidelines, reports serve as great assets for driving brand awareness, and site traffic and enhancing/building brand reputation as part of your market strategy. Reports can also take different forms and leverage any given mix of media. We’ll work with you to tailor reports to meet your case use, needs, and goals.

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