There’s absolutely no doubt that influencer marketing is a powerful way to connect consumers with brands, but its evolution has remained stymied by continued treatment as an add on, much in the same way social media had been once upon a time. While many disruptor and forward-thinking brands have led with influencer campaigns and have had great success, some legacy brands have yet to leverage it in meaningful ways. To help marketers lean in and make the case for influencer marketing as a centerpiece in communications strategies, Atomik Research, in partnership with its sister brand Dynamik Influence, dug into understanding consumers’ perceptions, attitudes, behaviors and beliefs surrounding influencer marketing. Here are just a few highlights you’ll find in this report:

  • We examine the functional element of social media behaviors and how those can inform influencer marketing strategies
  • We’ll shed some light on consumers’ perspectives on the credibility of influencers and the impact they have on action
  • Along the way, we’ll share generational nuances, some of which may surprise you

There’s so much more! Download our report to get all the details.


A close up from the side of a mans hands writing in a notebook with a portion of a laptop screen on the right side of the image.Sunglasses in the sand