American Vice: Survey Suggests Social Media Number One Among Americans’ Go-To Vices

End-of-year lists come in all shapes and sizes: best movies and songs, can’t-miss vacation destinations, top trends… but we rarely see personal bests. People self-reflect all the time, and often more around the end of a calendar year. Atomik Researchers thought it would be interesting to see how people judge themselves this year versus last in the self-improvement department. Here are the findings:

Drinking alcohol remains level or is decreasing among most Amallgo-an-app-for-plus-size-people-itajrl5ykq8-unsplashericans, with 63% of adults indicating they did not drink more this year than last. In previous years − coinciding with the pandemic − drinking at home had increased. Whether this means Americans are remaining consistent or reducing their alcohol intake, we salute the effort. Cheers!

Imbibing habits are not the only way people report feeling like better versions of themselves this year, with 69% disagreeing with the statement, “I am a worse person today than at the end of 2021.” To drive this point home, when prompted to be honest, 64% of respondents admitted to telling 10 or fewer lies per day in 2022, while 56% claimed 5 lies or fewer per day.

When asked their “biggest vice of 2022” — with choices like social media, alcohol & TV consumption, among others — respondents regarded their capitulation to social media’s temptation as their most significant vice in 2022. Social media use describes the vice of choice for a third of the population this year, besting TV consumption and alcohol at 24% and 14%, respectively.

While we can’t all be included in year-end publishers’ “best” lists for our own personal accomplishments, it is nice to see people are taking strides at being better just for themselves. At Atomik Research, we thrive on finding out what makes mediagenic headlines with our PR Surveys so you and your brand might land on some “best” lists of your own! Find out how here.

Research Methodology: Atomik Research ran an online survey of more than 2,000 adults in the United States. The margin of error is +/- 2 percentage points with a confidence interval of 95 percent. The fieldwork took place between November 20-23, 2022.

Atomik Research, a 4media group company, is an independent creative market research agency.
